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HQ recently had a welcome visitor from the Keep Scotland Beautiful, Eco Schools team - Michelle Adamson
Why visit David Luke?
Michelle wanted to find out the story behind the sustainable practice of making the polyester in our school uniform from recycled plastic bottles. She also wanted to see and feel the quality of the products for herself and understand how we make it all happen. All to then be taken back to a team of keen youngsters from Kirkcaldy High school in Fife, to create a short film.
Young Spielbergs!
So ranging from video interviews with David Burgess (Exec Chairman and co-founder), whose passion it was to get started on the eco journey, to a tour of the warehouse and offices to meet the teams, Michelle managed to gather lots of samples, information and general video footage to take back.
They then worked their magic and produced the short video seen below!
Michelle commented:
'It was a genuinely wonderful, heart-warming experience working with the team at David Luke, being able to learn about the company and capture footage for this film. The young people at Kirkcaldy High School were able to fully grasp the meaning of sustainable business practice through their connection with David Luke. It will undoubtedly reinforce the choices they make now and in the future where consumption and sustainability are concerned, from the goods they buy to places they work – thank you David Luke!'
The video will be promoted as a resource for teachers by Keep Scotland Beautiful and Eco Schools Scotland, to all Scottish schools during September ref ‘low carbon skills resource - textiles ‘
Thanks to Michelle and all those involved at Kirkcaldy High School in making this great video!