Essential Hacks to Make Your School Morning Easier

To welcome Back To School season at David Luke, we are all about making things easier. After releasing our new Essentials Back To School range, made to keep uniform simple (and sustainable!) for primary school children, we are looking for more ways to simplify your school morning routine.

Mornings are often the most chaotic part of the school days, especially when you're trying to get the whole family out the door on time. Between getting breakfast on the table, ensuring everyone is dressed, and remembering last-minute homework or forms, it's easy for stress to build up. But with a few simple school hacks, you can transform your school mornings from frantic to smooth. Just in time for the first day of school, we are here to help! Here’s how:

Prep the Night Before

It sounds cliché but it really does save you a world of stress. The easiest way to ease morning busyness is by doing as much as possible the night before. Lay out your kids' school uniform (and even your own clothes!) so they can slip them on quickly and efficiently. Pack those lunches, and gather all necessary school supplies so you’re almost ready to go. This can save you precious minutes in the morning and prevent the last-minute scramble.

*Pro Tip:* Why not involve your kids in the nightly prep? They can choose their uniform for the day ahead, help pack their lunches, and make sure their backpacks are ready. This not only lightens your load but also teaches them their own responsibility.

Create a Morning Routine Checklist

Consistency is key for a smooth morning and children work great with routine. A visual morning routine checklist can help your children know what to expect and what’s expected of them before school. Include simple tasks like brushing teeth, getting dressed, and eating breakfast for your children to remember themselves. Break the routine into small, manageable steps to help them stay on track and beat the clock.

*Pro Tip:* Use pictures for younger kids who cant read yet, and reward them with a small treat or sticker when they complete their routine on time. After all, who doesn’t love a sticker?

Simplify Breakfast

Breakfast is essential but it doesn’t have to be complicated to be good. Opt for some easy, healthy options that can be prepped ahead of time and will give your children the best start to the day. Some kids breakfast ideas include overnight oats, smoothie packs, or pre-made muffins. If your children are old enough, let them choose their breakfast the night before so they’re excited to eat and won’t dawdle.

*Pro Tip:* Create a breakfast station with easy-to-grab options like fruit, yogurt, and granola bars. This gives your kids some independence and frees up your time.

Set Up a Command Center

Designate a specific area in your home as the “command centre” where everything school-related is organised. Have hooks for backpacks and their school blazer or coats, a bin for shoes, a place for important papers, and a calendar for tracking activities can make all the difference. This way, nothing gets lost, and everyone knows where to find what they need before the school run. With a bit of reorganisation, your morning will be a breeze.

*Pro Tip:* Place a whiteboard or corkboard in your command centre to leave notes, reminders, or encouraging messages for your kids. It’s a simple way to avoid forgetting and it’ll be exactly where they can see it!

 Wake Up Before the Kids

As tempting as it is to catch a few extra minutes of sleep, waking up even 15 minutes before your children can give you a head start. There’s nothing worse than getting ready in the morning half asleep and with little ones who are a bundle of energy. Use this time to enjoy a quiet cup of coffee, do a quick meditation, or review the day’s schedule. It’s a bit of important ‘me time’ that will set you up for success. You’ll feel more centred and better equipped to handle whatever the morning throws at you.

*Pro Tip:* Use those few minutes to do something that sets a positive tone for your day, like stretching or writing a short gratitude list. Positivity is key!

Keep Essentials Handy

There are always a few small things you never remember to pick up! Have a stash of essentials like socks, hair ties, and sunscreen in your command centre or a spot near the door. This way, you won’t have to hunt around the house when you’re running late for the school run. It’s a lifesaver!

*Pro Tip:* Create a grab-and-go” basket for each child with their own personalised essentials. They can take it to their room and bring it back to the command centre when done collecting their things.

Embrace a No-Device Policy

Not every child’s favourite hack but definitely an important one. Any morning routine for kids can be derailed by the distraction of screens and in such a short time window, there isn’t really a moment free for them to use them. Implement a no-device rule until everyone is ready for school. This keeps your kids focused on getting through their morning routine checklist rather than scrolling through games or videos. It can also be a reward for them once they’re done!

*Pro Tip:* If you need some background noise, play upbeat music that energizes everyone and keeps the mood light. It’s a great way to start the school days in a good mood.

Have a Plan for the Unexpected

Despite your best efforts, some school mornings just don’t go according to plan. Whether it’s bad traffic or something you’ve forgotten, it’s best to prepare. Build in a buffer for the unexpected by aiming to leave the house 10-15 minutes earlier than necessary. This extra time can absorb any last-minute issues without making you late and massively minimize any stress.

*Pro Tip:* Keep a car kit” with essentials like a comb, tissues, snacks, and a water bottle. If something was forgotten in the morning rush, youre still covered.

With a little planning and some smart strategies, school mornings don’t have to be a daily struggle. By prepping ahead, creating a structured routine, and staying flexible, you can transform mornings into a time of connection rather than chaos. These school hacks will help you do just that!

Our new Essentials Back To School range is the perfect addition. With elasticated waists for easy pull-ons and relaxed, comfortable fits, it makes sure your children start off the day right. From new cargo shorts to our culottes, there’s so much love about our new primary school range. And, all of the products include recycled bottles in the material, how cool? Shop on David Luke.

Remember, it’s not about perfection but about finding what works best for your family and making adjustments along the way. Here’s to easier, happier school mornings!